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Wednesday, April 16, 2003 Baby Well Mr Turner, you say that she's prone to emotional outbursts, sensitive, fussy about her food, unable to move about on her own, slurring her speech badly, doubly incontinent, drooling a lot, funny with strangers, suffers from mood swings, can sometimes vomit after feeding due to a build up of wind? Hmm. Well I think I know what the problem is, it appears that your daughter is suffering from a classic case of Baby. Nothing to worry about, it's something that she'll grow out of in a few years. Seriously, nothing to be concerned about, you'd be surprised to discover that it's something we all go through at some point in our lives, typically in our early years. I have heard that some people don't quite fully recover from Baby and present some years later as having sometimes baby-like behavioural traits, but again I must stress, this is perfectly normal and nothing to be concerned about. Give her plenty love and affection and she'll soon recover. Monday, April 14, 2003 The First Supper Cameron started on solids yesterday (sunday). I say solids as a means of differentiating from milk. However in my book, runny and ever so slightly gloopy baby rice stretches the 'solid' definition somewhat. But, all the same, she's now on solids and loving it. Fiona, being an annoyingly natural born mother, has got the whole spoon/mouth thing covered but tonight I thought I'd give it a shot; spoonful number one was delivered without a hitch and raised my confidence to a foolishly high level and as a result, after spoon number two ended up being grabbed on its final approach by both of Cameron's paws, rendering them ricey in a very messy way, I was quickly bundled out of the way by the maternal one and told to get on with making our dinner instead. Fan-bloody-tastic.