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Thursday, December 19, 2002 Opus == Ruairi Sitting here like a soft lad, tears running down my face, listening to this. My heart feels too big for my body today. I’m so proud of my astonishing wife, and so much in love with our new little boy and our whole family. Now we are five... Sorry about all the name confusion. Paul is indeed a lovely name, but it’s the lovely name of one of my very best friends, Paul Reed, who proxy blogged for me over the phone last night. The ‘Alexander’ confusion came from our indecision over the name. As I was calling family last night, Leona and I still hadn’t quite settled on Ruairi or Alexander. Ruairi it is. His full name will be Ruairi Michael O’Connor Clarke – kind of after Ruairi O’Connor (Ruadrí Ua Conchobair]) the last High King of Ireland, but also just because we both love the name. And if he lives up to the promise of his 9lb 9oz, he’ll be a king amongst men, for sure. Tired now, and very much in love. Thanks for all the messages from around the world – you’re good people. Question is – as the third of three O’Connor Clarkes, but the middle one of the BlogSprogs – should Ruairi opt for youngest sibling or middle child syndrome ;-) Gary, Fiona, Cameron, Tom, Wendy (and ...?) – love to all of you. Hope you're well. Good luck Wendy & Tom. Being induced is not easy...but well worth it in the end. More details (and photos) soon – off now to get back to basics. /m 'ó dhia gach aon cabhair' Wednesday, December 18, 2002 Baby boy. 9lb 9oz - all's well (paul) Tuesday, December 17, 2002 Here we go! And so the second BlogSprogs countdown commences... Leona and I were at the Obstetrician earlier today for our checkup. We’ve discussed in the past various ways of helping things along a little, and we’re now actually scheduled to go into the hospital tomorrow morning at 7:00am to probably have Opus induced with a little intravenous Oxytocin. We’ve been wrestling with this one for weeks, and have read everything we can find on the pluses and minuses of induced labor. I wrote about some of the complications Leona and I face in an earlier post, below. As it turns out, we may not need to worry. At the examination today, turns out Sausage is already dilating, and she’s been having “cramps” on and off for days. So, Charlie and Lily are heading off for a sleepover with friends tonight (great excitement all round – they’re probably more excited about their first sleepover than the intangible promise of a new baby in the house). Our bag’s all packed and we’re ready for an early start. The doctor is confident that Opus is absolutely ready – and I know Sausage is ready. She’s really suffering today after a rougher than usual night and an utterly rotten day yesterday. We were hustling through the normal off-to-school routine yesterday morning. As I got C & L into snow pants and coats, Sausage ducked out, despite my protestations, to scrape the ice & snow off the minivan. Couple of minutes later I heard this sad little voice from the driveway – she’d slipped and crashed down hard on her bum in the packed snow, poor darling. She amazed me yet again, though – lying there in the snow, hurt and scared, unable to get her feet under her to stand back up. She smiles up at me and says: “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” :-) As if that little trauma wasn’t bad enough for her, she called me later in the day from the car on the way to collect Charlie from school. She’d just been rear-ended by another car on the icy roads. No major damage or injuries, thank God. I love this woman so much - I can't imagine what I'd do if something happened to her... Seems Friday 13th clearly came a little late to this household. Two such narrow escapes in one day. Yikes, indeed. Tomorrow’s going to be a much, much better day. We know. Come on, Opus! You can do it! Monday, December 16, 2002 Cameron Says "Hi" Breathed her first breath at 03.24 GMT, weighed in at a healthy 7 pounds & 3 ounces. A beautiful baby girl. Mother is fine, father is off to bed. Awesome. Thanks to John for the proxy weblogging. Sunday, December 15, 2002 Movement over the water According to a proxy post up at Gary's main blog, something's shaking over in the UK. More here. Gooooooooo Fiona! Meanwhile, all quiet on the Canadian front. I'm just back from a five hour Christmas shopping trip round a crowded downtown mall with Charlie & Lily (and we're having a third...!). Sausage is out for a long walk. I'm cooking the Eggplant Parmigiana tonight.